Wednesday, June 30, 2021

My Family Tree


Today I did my family tree and I had to go to my parents to see if they can go far that they can go and to see what my ancestors do and their career on being a samoan, and I know why there is a german flag on there, I will tell you why in the olden days german people used to rule samoa and the samoan people fought back to get their country back and that is why there is a german flag it is because my great grandparents are part german because they have the german blood just like me. 


  1. Talofa Joseph. It's amazing on how far back you can go. I can see that you don't know some of your great grandparents and to be honest I don't either. Did you know this information before or did you just find out? To relate, I can only go as far back as my great grandparents, but only on my mum's side.

  2. Kia Ora Joseph

    What an interesting post you made today. I didn’t know that Germany took over Samoa and it is pretty cool to hear that they fought for their land. I also thought it was really cool adding pictures of the flags to show what culture you and your ancestors were! Do you know if you have any other culture in you or another family member? Keep up the good work, I can wait to read more. Nga Mihi.

  3. Kia Ora Joseph.
    that is so cool that you can go back in to your family that far I did not know
    that you are part german and from samoa too.
    well done

  4. Malo lelei Milika thank you for commenting on my blog and I really like your question and I really didn't know before so I just realized that I was named after my great grandpa Iosefa the samoan name for Joseph so thank you for commenting on my blog.


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