Friday, September 17, 2021

Commenting on docs Cybersmart challenge #20


Today I learned how to comment on google docs and and how to give positive thoughtful words to help with people on their writing, I also learned how to write a positive sentence.

Earth Science Quiz


Today I did my Earth Science Quiz and did lots of questions so that you can answer and I hope that you enjoy my quiz.

Monday, August 9, 2021

New Zealand Medal Winners Slide


Today I did my New Zealand Medal winners slide and I am very grateful to do it because all the olympic athletes trained very hard to do it so I hope you enjoy my slide.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

My challenge 16


Today I did my challenge 16 and I did make a lot of progress today, so I had to do a poster about all about me and I put my name and every thing I do and everything I love so yeah I hope you like and it only took me one minute and to doing this blog was 50 sec.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

My Family Tree


Today I did my family tree and I had to go to my parents to see if they can go far that they can go and to see what my ancestors do and their career on being a samoan, and I know why there is a german flag on there, I will tell you why in the olden days german people used to rule samoa and the samoan people fought back to get their country back and that is why there is a german flag it is because my great grandparents are part german because they have the german blood just like me. 

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Cooking Tech

 Today we did some cooking tech and we cooked some yummy popcorn chicken and made some potato chips, first we grabbed some eggs, flour, and some bread crumbs after that we cracked the eggs and got our whisk and stirred the egg until it went silky and soft, then we grabbed the chopped chicken that our cooking teacher chopped and put some lemon juice then squeezed the lemon juice in the chopped chicken, after that we dipped the chopped chicken in the flour then the egg then dipped it in the bread crumbs, we did that over and over again till the chopped chicken was finished, we put the chopped chicken onto a tray and put it into the oven after that we waited and waited we finally checked the chopped dipped chicken and it was all yummy and juicy and crunchy, we finally got to taste it and it was so yummy we got some chilli sauce and it actually tasted yummy with after that we came back to school.  

Monday, June 21, 2021

Experience of eating the Sugar cane

Today On Monday first day of school my class and I were going to eat sugar cane and we did, my teacher Mrs. Peterson was busy cutting the sugar cane so that it would be even for my class she had a knife and did with her hands she was actually very strong to break the sugar cane, after she broke the sugar cane she said to my class to come sit down at the floor so that we can eat I was so looking forward to eat the sugar cane, she first handed out tissue so that we can spit out the things that we ate off the sugar cane, I was actually thinking the time I last ate sugar cane and it was like six years ago I was thinking of my sugar cane experience and how it was so so sour, I said to my teacher the more sour it is the more better.

Then she handed out the sugar cane to my class and when I got one I thought it was going to be so good and so sweet, I started peeling the bark of the sugar cane and I took my first big bite out of the sugar cane but then something happened it wasn’t even sweet but first it did started sweet but then it just went dry all of a sudden it was like a sponge taking all the water out of my cup, I spit out the piece that I ate and I ate more and more till it was finished but and my face was like a person that is disgusted but it was fine and my teacher said that the temperature here was not good so that is why the sugar cane keep on drying out. 



Thursday, June 17, 2021

Screencastify Afakasi Chameleon


 Today I did my afakasi chameleon poem by Selina Marsh and I had to do it how I say it my way and I think I did pretty well on it so I hope you guys like.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Cooking Tech

Today we did cooking and we cooked some Mint salad and it was a lot of work, first we did the onions and put it in the pan, after that we we cut the carrots that's called slicing and dicing after that we put the small pieces of carrot into the pan and then we put the mint in the pan and mixed it after that we were mixing and mixing with my partner then we put the beef in and put the oil in the pan, after that  when it's cooked take it out of the pan and put it in your lunch box.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021


Today I did a chameleon on word art and I had to do put everything about myself and I had to upload an image of a chameleon so that the computer can put everything about myself in the image.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Challenge 13


Today I did challenge 13 and I had to go on my history to check what I had done for the last 24hrs and this is what I done today and I hope you guys like it.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Manuka tree quiz


Cooking tech

 Today my group and I were doing cooking tech and we cooked salad and a vegetable pancake, well it looked like a pancake, there were lots of ingredients to get and to do so first we had to get some courgette and we had to grab the knife off the table and cut off the two ends of the courgette, after that we had to get the grinder and then we had to grind the courgette, then we had to to get the grind courgette and get the paper and put it around the grind courgette, then we had to squeeze the grind courgette so that the juice of it or the water in it can come out.These are the ingredients.

1 egg

1/4 milk

1/3 plain flour

1/2tsp baking powder

and a pinch of salt and pepper.


Monday, May 31, 2021

Challenge 12


Today I did challenge 12 and I think I did pretty well on challenge 12 and it was very hard to do and what its about is like what you want to show to the public and that you don't want to show, so I hope you like how I did challenge.

Challenge 11


 Today I did challenge 11 and it has been a long time since I did a challenge but now I am back at it so how I did challenge 11 is that I had to talk about myself as you can see the image above it has me and down in the box below I wrote everything about myself and at the end I screenshot the doc and here it is and I hope you like it.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Finding The Secret Key

 Once upon a time a boy named Aech was very excited for his first adventure on finding the secret key,but he was very sad because no one wanted to join his team until one of his best friends Daito came and joined in his team then, when Aech saw his best friend Daito standing next to him he quickly pressed the ready button and they went into a very dark and secret tunnel.  


Name:      Joseph Pao-salu
Age:    10
Height:   155cm or 1.55 m
Cultural group:   Samoan
My favourite sport    Basketball

My strengths( Things I am good at doing)

  • Basketball.

  • Dancing

  • Singing

  • Art

  • Doing household chores

  • gardening

  • Things I would like to get better at

    • Boxing.

    • writing



This is my hibiscus and I labelled all of my parts of my hibiscus and I did pretty well for my drawing but the labels are a bit unseen so I hope you enjoy my drawing.


Today, some students and me was doing robotics with mr. Krishna and we did a lot of things like controlling a mbot and learning about different coding and I was really excited to do it and it was pretty fun.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Robotics 2021

 Term 1 of robotics, what I learned about this term on robotics is that we learned about mbots and the technology of the mbot, we learned about the codes that we had to do on our chromebooks, the first code is the code when you have to start up the mbot then we learned about the code when you have lights on the mbot and making tones coming out of the mbot. 

We also learned about what we have to do to the mbot because we had to place the mbot upside down because when you want to do the code of moving the mbot forward or backwards and the mbot is not upside down then when you start it up the mbot goes and falls of and has a very nasty land then it will break.

After that we learned about how to make the mbot stop moving and how to make it move, we also had to be like a real police car, (which was very very hard to do) we had to make the lights go on blue and red and we had to make it blink on side to side.      

Friday, April 9, 2021

Book marks


 Today I am doing my 4 challenge and I had to explain why I chose my bookmarks and I hope you guys like my slide.(I had to do a lot of writing).

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Charging my chromebook


Today I did challenge 9 and I had to put the names of the usb and I am really proud of myself and I am ready for the next challenge.

Sailing Boat

Today I did challenge 8 and I am very happy about my work, I had to do a slideshow animation and I hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Underwater scene creativity


Today I did challenge 7 and I had to create an underwater scene and I think I did pretty good and I am proud of my picture.

Challenge 6


Today I did challenge 6 and I had to tidy up my drive and take a photo and put in my blog like right now and I am doing great at these challenges with the help of my friend Sau.

My Creativity


Today I did challenge 5 and I am done drawing my photo as you can see. I drawed about playing basketball at my house which my hoop is very old.

Thursday, April 1, 2021


 Today we are doing challenge 3 and it was about screenshots of your school cite, your blog, your class blog, and your class cite and it was pretty easy to do.

Keyboard shortcuts


 Today we are doing our challenge number two and I think I did great on it and I feel that you might like it so pls enjoy.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Kawa Of Care

Today on March the 31 Wednesday, my class and I are doing a Kawa care challenge which was sort of hard but I knew that I could get through it and it was easy for me, after that we had to take screenshots of it and put it into a slide or put it on our blog,we then put our images in our slides and put it on our blog, now that I am writing about I hope you like my slide.(which took 30 sec).

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

E-asttle maths result


 On Tuesday, my class and I are doing our test and this is my  maths results and I did my very best to get this far.In my maths test results I got a 4p as you can see on the screen shot,my achievement from last year was not that good but this year I tried my very best and this is what I got.

E-asttle Reading Score


On Tuesday,my class and I were doing our test and
this is my reading results and I think that I can do better than that next year.Last year on my reading score I got a 4p,but now I got a 4b.

Friday, March 12, 2021


On Friday,I learned about frogs and I learned everything about google forms,I also learned how to do a quiz and I learned how to put your quiz on your blog.